Dovoluji si Vás ještě jednou pozvat na mezinárodní konferenci „Rozhodování na konci života a eutanázie – právní, etické a společenské aspekty. Srovnání zkušeností z jiných zemí“. Konference se koná v pondělí 14.10. 2019 v Poslanecké sněmovně od 9.00.
Jedná se o ojedinělou akci, kdy řečníci z evropských zemí, kde je eutanázie nebo asistovaná sebevražda povolena, budou referovat o svých právních úpravách a problémech, které jsou s tím spojené. Výhodou řečníků je, že většina z nich je dlouhodobě zapojena do legislativních procesů a procesů hodnocení, které se rozhodnutí na konci života v jejich zemích týkají.
Dovolím si také krátce představit řečníky:
Johan Legemaate (1958) is a professor of health law at the University of Amsterdam since 2010. Previously he was the chief legal counsel of the Royal Dutch Medical Association (1991-2010). He has been involved in the Dutch euthanasia debate since the early 1990s. Johan Legemaate published extensively about patients’ rights and end-of-life issues, both in the national and the international literature. His research focusses on the evaluation of legislation. He was a leading researcher in both the second (2012) and the third (2017) evaluation of the Dutch Euthanasia Act. Johan Legemaate is also a judge in the Central Medical Disciplinary Court in The Hague and in the Criminal Appeals Court in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
Prof. Stefan Braum , is a professor of criminal law at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, University of Luxembourg. He is former Dean of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, 01.09.2012 – 31.08.2017). He is the member of the Commission Nationale de Contrôle et d’Evaluation de l’application de la loi du 16 mars 2009 sur l’euthanasie et l’assistance au suicide.
Kristof Van Assche (b. Ghent, Belgium, 1974) is a research professor of health law and kinship studies at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, where he also lectures in philosophy of law. He obtained a Ph.D. in philosophy from Ghent University and a Ph.D. in law from the Free University of Brussels (VUB), focusing on the legal and ethical aspects of the commodification, including the commercialisation, of human body material in the context of organ transfer and biobank research.
From April 2012 to March 2014 he was project manager at the Council of Europe’s Bioethics Division (Strasbourg, France), responsible for the drafting of Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)6 on Research on Biological Materials of Human Origin. In addition, as part of the Secretariat of the Council of Europe’s Committee on Bioethics, he participated in the activities of that Committee.
He does research on, and has published about, the legal and ethical aspects of organ trafficking, organ donation, biobanking, surrogacy, artificial gametes, uterus transplantation, genetic testing, gene editing, abortion, and euthanasia. He is the supervisor of a 4-year funded research proposal on Cross-border access to end-of-life services in Europe, and recently published articles on euthanasia on minors ( and on psychiatric patients ( +
Prof. Dr. iur. utr. Brigitte Tag, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Full professor for criminal law, criminal proceedings and medical law as well as lawyer with long-standing experience in medical law, management functions in public administration, university and the private sector.
- Dean of the Faculty of Law (one of the biggest European law faculties), University of Zurich; Chairwoman Management Board, Center of Competence Medicine-Ethics-Law (MERH), Program Director, PhD Biomedical Ethics and Law, Law Track.
- Member of the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics (NEK); Appraisal Committee, Swiss Medical Board (SMB); Trustee Synapsis-Foundation; Member of the Steering Committee, SNSF NRP 67, End of Life; Vice-President European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA), Salzburg Austria.
- Brigitte Tag is co-editor of more than 40 books, author of numerous books and commentaries, and of more than 160 scientific articles.
Elisa Hoven is a Professor for Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law at the University of Leipzig and Director of the Institute for Media Law and Digitalization. She studied law at the Free University of Berlin and the Radboud Universitaet Nijmegen (Netherlands). She wrote her PhD on international criminal proceedings and worked as Visiting Professional at the ICC in The Hague and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. After passing her second State Exam, Elisa was a Visiting Scholar at the Berkeley University, Harvard University, Basel University and University of California, Los Angeles. She is part of a working group on law and medicine and has published extensively on assisted suicide.